Here’s What You Should Learn About Title Tags!

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Title tags are potent motivators that decide whether people will tap on the provided link or not. They are the titles that you give to your page. They have to be precisely crafted so that they encapsulate what the page is talking about.

Title tags or HTML title tags should be descriptive of the web page’s content. The ideal length of these tags is about 60 characters. Since they are the first to catch the eye of the users, they are vital for SEO or search engine optimization.

Therefore, you are sure to benefit from the services of the Best SEO Company in Delhi. It can help you create ideal title tags so that people feel compelled to click on your page.


Here’s How to Write Title Tags

  • Length of the Title

The length of your title tag should not be more than 60 characters. Above this limit, a part of your title is shown as ellipses. This can allow your competitors’ page to detract the users’ attention from your page.


  • Make the Title Unique

Title tags must be adequately compelling to prevent people from skipping your web page. They have to be unique, creative, and something that the users understand.


  • Add Primary Keywords

Primary keywords, as the name suggests, are the main keywords of your content. They help users figure out what your content focuses on. They should be a part of your title tag and meta tag as they have huge potential to improve your rank on SERP.


  • Avoid Overusing Keywords

Using too many keywords is a practice that is better when left ignored. It can get your web page flagged as spam. This manipulative technique can be easily identified by users and search engines.


  • Properly Place the Brand Keywords

If you are planning to use the brand keyword in the title tag, you must know the ‘when’ and ‘where.’ If the brand is well-known, place its name at the beginning of the tag. However, if it not so popular, place it at the end of the tag.


Avoid Making These Mistakes

  • Keywords Stuffing

Keyword stuffing, as talked about earlier, is frowned upon as it can be easily identified. So, it is in your best interest to avoid indulging in it.


  • Keyword Cannibalization

Placing identical keywords again and again on multiple web pages is called keyword cannibalization. It can be counterproductive as it ultimately puts you in competition with your web pages.


  • Lengthy Title

Lengthy titles can make half of your title invisible to the users. This increases the odds of your page being skipped.



A title tag is a vital actor that stands between your page, gaining a view and being skipped. It is paramount to understand the needs and wants of the users and to track the competitors. In this aspect, TYC Communication, an SEO Company in Delhi, can help you craft luring title tags that will encourage users to click on them to douse their burning curiosity.

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